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Grand Canyon National Park

Park Services for the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park is a place of remarkable beauty, peace, and scenic grandeur. Designated as a national park in 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson, this park holds an important position in our American heritage and Western legacy.

The park encompasses 277 miles of the Colorado River and adjacent uplands in northern Arizona. Its lush forest of Pinyon and Ponderosa Pine and Utah Juniper interspersed with shrubby cliff rose, blackbrush, and sagebrush provides the botanical backdrop for squirrels, mule deer and the silver-gray coyote, known as the Song Dog of the West. Hawks, California condors, and eagles soar majestically above the rim, though ravens are the most common bird observed.

Grand Canyon National Park South Rim is open year-round, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Getting to Grand Canyon National Park

Visit our Location section for information regarding transportation, driving directions and maps.

Getting into the Park: Entrance Fees, Passes & Permits

Grand Canyon National Park is a designated Federal Recreation Fee Area. Fees collected directly benefit Grand Canyon National Park and the National Park Service. Entrance fees are not refundable (even due to inclement weather) and may not be sold or given to another person.

Visit the Grand Canyon National Park website for additional information about entrance fees.

Getting Around in the Park: Accessibility

Facilities vary a great deal. Wheelchairs can be rented from Bright Angel Bicycles. To obtain a temporary access pass to Yaki Point Road and Hermit Road, inquire at entrance stations, visitor centers, or transportation desks.

Getting Around in the Park: Shuttle Buses

NOTE: The National Park Service is operating limited, modified shuttle bus transportation inside the park. To learn more, click here.

Free shuttle buses operate on four routes at Grand Canyon National Park:

  • Hermits Rest Route
  • Kaibab / Rim Route
  • Village Route
  • Tusayan Route

No tickets are required, and bus stops are clearly marked throughout the park by signs. The National Park Service offers a selection of maps, including a map of parking and shuttle bus routes in the park. Visit Grand Canyon National Park Service website for additional information.

Getting Around in the Park: Going Rim to Rim

The Trans-Canyon Shuttle runs between the North and South rims once each day, in each direction, and the travel time is about five (5) hours each way. There is a fee for this service. For more information call 928-638-2820.

Parking in the Park

Parking is available in lots throughout Grand Canyon Village and at the Visitor Center. Please avoid parking along the roadside except where signs or lines on the road indicate that it is permissible.

The National Park Service offers a selection of maps, including a map of parking and shuttle bus routes in the park. Visit Grand Canyon National Park Service for additional information.

Park Information Centers

The Grand Canyon Visitor Center is located near Mather Point and is open daily year-round. Seasonal hours:

  • December to February 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • March to November 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Available facilities include restrooms, bicycle rentals, bookstore, and shuttle bus stops. Several indoor and outdoor exhibits provide a variety of information about Grand Canyon National Park and what to do once at the park.

Programs in the Park

National Park Service rangers offer a wide variety of interpretive programs throughout the year on the South Rim. All ranger programs are free and open to the public. Schedules and programs vary seasonally.